JSON was discovered and not invented
and its creator prefers to pronounce it: jo son /ʒə sɛ̃/ with a light 'n' with a French tongue
Strapi - A CMS without a Head
Most of the small-to-mid software in all of its types (websites, web apps, mobile apps) are considered simple content systems, which basically show some categorized content that an end-user can interact with
How a Git Error Made Me Clean Unrelated Oracle Database Trace Files
In a shiny day, I was pulling the latest changes from a repository in our own instance of GitLab CE, which is deployed on our docker cloud infrastructure, and was faced with a weird error, I've checked my colleagues and most of them were encountering this error in a random-fashion, this is how it went on.
On Dependency Injection
Lots of development frameworks now treats *Dependency Injection* as a first-class citizen in their implementations (for example, dotnet core's ASP and Java's Spring...). Therefore, **knowing how to use it** is guaranteed at lots of software engineers, but **knowing why and when to use it** is what made me write this post as all of my posts :P.
On the Origins of The SOLID Principles
SOLID principles are one of the most famous principles among software engineers for writing clean code, although most of my time that I spend coding, I totally forget about that they exist, I'm pretty sure that most of us apply them one way or another without explicitly thinking about them.
On the Origins of The Web
The Web, in my opinion, is one of the most influential inventions the human kind had come up with since the invention of **controlled fire** 2 million years ago. The web has always fascinated me since I was a child. I remember back in the days - 12 years or so - my first tries of programming was creating some *html* pages and linking them together with some *css* style sheets that made my pages look cool, and since then... I've fallen in love.